Diamond JGN 💎🦁 Full How-To Guide 📚

Juggernaut (JGN)
4 min readAug 4, 2021


🚨 Remember Diamond JGN is launching tomorrow (August 5th) at 8 am EST. The platform is inactive right now 🚨

Diamond JGN is a unique membership program with three core componens:

  1. Staking: Diamond JGN members will get JGN rewards for staking.
  2. DAO: vote on proposals, partnerships, and get truly involved.
  3. Exclusive Features: extra perks and upcoming secret rewards.

We will allocate 10% of JGN’s Total Supply to this initiative over 5 years, and it will be in constant expansion through the years.

Stake JGN, get rewards and participate in JGN’s Governance model, all through a simple platform. Put your JGN to work, and become a diamond JGN holder.


Step 1: Access this link https://djgn.jgnnft.com/. The homepage looks like this:

Step 2: Click on “Connect wallet” at the top right of the page, and access your preferred wallet (Metamask, Binance Chain, Wallet Connect).

Step 3: Follow your wallet instructions to connect. Remember to have enough BEP-20 BNB to cover the gas fees (and BEP-20 JGN if you want to access diamond JGN).

Step 4: Scroll down and you should see the “mint and redeem” part of the webpage.

Step 5: Click on “Mint dJGN”, and you should see an exit fee disclaimer. Remember that in order to redeem your earned JGN, there’s a 5% exit fee distributed to the remaining dJGN holders.

Make sure to read carefully the Terms of Service.

Step 6: You should now able to see the “Mint and Redeem” box, with your available JGN, the ratio of exchange, and how many dJGN you would receive for staking JGN.

Step 7: Put the number of JGN that you want to swap for dJGN, and lick on approve.

The approve button should look like this:

Then follow your wallet’s instructions. In this example we are using Metamask desktop.

Step 8: Congratulations, you are in! 💎 You can check your real-time APY, your dJGN, your membership rewards, and the number of Diamond members on the homepage.

You can also check the Diamond JGN stats at the bottom of the page:

Step 9: If you want to redeem your rewards, after step 4 you need to click on “Redeem JGN”.

You should be able to see the “Mint and Redeem” box on step 6, but with the redeem info.

Follow the same process as in Step 7, and enjoy your rewards.

Remember there’s a 5% exit fee for redeeming your JGN, that is distributed proportionally across dJGN holders.

Step 10: Enjoy the Diamond JGN Membership! 💎🦁 If you plan on holding dJGN, congrats on getting the full benefits! JGN staking, upcoming events, exclusive features, DAO voting, and much much more!!! 💪🔥🚀

If you want to learn more about Diamond JGN (rewards, benefits, DAO, etc.), you can go to: https://juggernautdefi.medium.com/introducing-diamond-jgn-staking-dao-and-exclusive-membership-features-5a4f9a69a739


🚨 Remember Diamond JGN is launching tomorrow (August 5th) at 8 am EST. The platform is inactive right now 🚨

About Juggernaut

Juggernaut (JGN) is a complete custom DeFi suite, governance, and NFT ecosystem with full BSC compatibility.

We are creating the go-to BSC NFT Exchange. Open access, freedom of assets, and available for anyone, anywhere.

We are building an NFT infrastructure, games, collections, and our Exclusive BSC NFT Exchange. Juggernaut is building a unique ecosystem, full of exciting use cases, merging the possibilities of DeFi with NFTs.

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Juggernaut (JGN)
Juggernaut (JGN)

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