Juggernaut’s NFT Marketplace Launching on November 10th

Juggernaut (JGN)
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2020


We are excited to announce that our NFT Marketplace will be launching on Tuesday, November 10th!

The Juggernaut team has been working hard to bring our super fresh NFT marketplace and ecosystem to life and help take JGN to unprecedented heights.

Below there’s an introduction video of our NFT Marketplace!

Introduction to NFTs and their relationship with DeFi

Deposit JGN, Earn jXP, Mint NFTs.

At the start, we’ll open our jXP Genesis Pool, where users can stake JGN to receive jXP and later unlock NFT rewards.

Our first collection, the Genesis Cards Collection, will feature 12 exclusive and unique cards, ranging from basic cards to a GOD MODE card, with only five units in existence.

Four cards from our Genesis Collection

If you want to learn how to stake jXP: https://medium.com/juggernaut-defi/how-to-stake-your-jxp-97df1befa8ce

If you want to stake jXP:

  1. Via liquidity mining pool → https://juggerswap.jgndefi.com/

2. Via our new staking system → https://nft.jgndefi.com/

Our development team has been working around the clock to improve the overall stability of our NFT Marketplace, to be sure we are ready for the November 10th Launch!

Looking into the future

Our first collection is just the beginning of our NFT journey. After that, we will go live with a collection of tools with different powers. Each tool will be NFT and limited as well. They will be mining accelerators. For example, if you get a “shovel”, you can get 10% extra jXP through mining.

More exclusive collections will be announced in the future. Together with new and upcoming artists we will explore the unique styles that can be created with NFTs and digital art.

Juggernaut is building a DEFI + NFT infrastructure. JGN is designed to make DeFi and NFTs simple and easy to use for any business use-case. The JGN mission is to help anyone that thinks of a business idea to add customized DeFi and NFTs into its components.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Telegram, and Medium for more updates on JGN!

